Join me on this innovative, one-of-a-kind experience.
This service is part of Club Jucy, an idea embarked on years ago that I’m finally fulfilling in a concrete way.
Club Jucy is a psychic club for like minded souls with a whole bunch of goodies, bonuses, and fun. It’s kind of like a fan club — an adult fan club for those that love psychic stuff, as well as those that are fans of my work.
If you don’t have an account with Twitter, and don’t know what it is. It is basically used as a public, private, and/or semi-private instant messaging system where each message can be no longer than 140 characters.
You do not have to enter your real name, and you can make your account private — locking your tweets.
FREE Two Month Trial until August 5th, 2013 for Limited Number of Subscribers
Psychic & Other Occult
INTRODUCTORY pricing after August 4th, 2013
Your subscription above is for Twitter readings & lessons ONLY.
Subscription Fees
Each subscription includes a 2 month FREE trial! You can cancel your subscription after the trial is over. Fees are subject to change, without notice. Subscribe now!
You can cancel your subscription (if you want) AFTER the trial period is over.

How it works
Every month you get to ask ONE public question (per subscription) in a maximum of two tweets whether that be a personal question or something you’re learning about astrology, tarot, etc.. I will respond in up to three tweets within 96 hours of your tweet, and I’ll be happy to dialogue with you up to three tweets more (after my initial response) to clarify.
You can send your birth details, and name in a “Direct Message” DM along with your Public Tweet so I know who you are.
Use an anonymous Twitter account, without using your real name or identifying information. It may be better for you if none of your friends are on this account, and you lock it.
If you already have an account, just add one or more of my Twitter accounts. If you don’t have an account, sign up, and then add me. Then send an email to let me know who you are, and your Twitter username and sign up to a subscription (includes 2 months TRIAL!). 🙂
More info…
Should you find the response is not enough, my suggestion would be to book a private session, or wait until next month when you can ask another question.
No questions carry over to the next month, so if you don’t ask a question — you lose a question for that month. However, you will still benefit from reading, and learning from other Club Jucy members.
Only one question, per subscription.
So if you sign up to astrology (, and TarotSeeek ( — that requires two subscriptions. If you only sign up to one Twitter account such as The Psychic Arts, you only receive one question. Contact me about this, if this is not clear.
I reserve the right not to answer questions, or ask you to rephrase / re-frame them. If it comes down to it, I will refund that month, and possibly cancel your subscription. Consider my reading ability, professional interests and specialties, and code of ethics. I do not read health questions, and I avoid predictions — especially timing questions.
Accept responsibility for the decisions you make, based on the insights offered.
I reserve the right to republish your questions, and my responses (without identifying information). My responses are also copyrighted, so that means it’s important to attribute any responses given to you, and shared with others, to me.
This is a new service, and may go through changes — without notice. The best I will do is cancel your subscription, and refund a month (if appropriate). But that’s why I’m giving you two months free, and the introductory pricing! I hope this is appreciated.
What You’ll Get Out of Being a Part of Club Jucy
* Psychic Pampering.
* Bring Joy Into Your Life
* Spa for the Heart & Mind
* Connect with Like Minded Souls
* Explore the Depths of Self & Others
* Enjoy Happy Surprise Gifts
* Create, Communicate, & Challenge
* Enjoy the Authentic Life
* Guidance from the Universe
* Warm Spirit; Ignite Passion
* Free Yourself from Limitations
* Welcome Knowledge & Wisdom
Your subscription is for Twitter Readings and/or Lessons; however, over time Club Jucy will grow to include activities such as:
Exclusive access to ON-DEMAND full private sessions; monthly Psychic Life topics that heal, humour, and help; a psychic mystery package delivered straight to your door; personalized astrology charts; horoscopes automatically sent to your email, a VIP Psychic Party*; super savings on amazing psychic services; and Psychic Jucy’s Loving Care!
Psychic Mystery Package
You’ll receive a personal (by snail mail) special delivery of something Jucy.
*Personalized* monthly astrology reports:
Romantic Relationships, General Predictions, Family, Money, Natal Chart, Karmic Chart, Health & Wellness, and more!!
Invitation to an exclusive VIP Psychic Party.
Super Psychic Savings:
12% off our psychic event entertainment services. (transferable)
12% of any of our psychic readings, psychic life coachings, and other services.
12% off our hobbyist and special interest level psychic divination school courses, seminars, and workshops
12% off corporate, office workshops and seminars